Riverside Fire Department
Act Now to Prevent Wildfires

Bartlett Incident

Fire incident Banner

Incident Name: Bartlett Incident

Date Reported: 12/23/2021

Time Reported: 1940 Hours

Incident Location: 3700 Block of Bartlett, Riverside, CA 92501

Ward #: Ward 1 Edwards

Type of Incident: Structure Fire

Incident Number: RIV #21-041499

Control Time: 12/23/2021 at 2005 Hours

Fatalities: 0

Critical: 0

Moderate: 0

Minor: 0

Non Injury:

Displaced Persons:

Loss: 40000

/* 300000 */


  • Unintentional
  • Evacuations: None

    Evacuation Comments:

    Resources Assigned

    Chief Officer(s): 1

    Engine Companies: 3

    Truck Companies: 1

    Squad(s): 1


    Firefighter(s): 16

    Safety Officer(s):

    Public Information Officer(s):

    Fire Investigator(s):

    Overhead Personnel:

    Mutual Aid:

    Specialized Equipment:



    Red Cross:

    Percent (%) Contained or Completed:

    Total (%) of Perimeter that will be Contained:

    Incident Size Acreage:

    Current Situation

    (Recent updates are posted at the top of the Current Situation)

    The City of Riverside Fire Department was dispatched to the 3700 block of Bartlett Avenue for a reported structure fire.  The first arriving engine company found a small residential structure with smoke and fire coming through the roof.  Firefighters made a quick attack on the fire and were able to save a large portion of the building.  This despite having to utilize a fire hydrant that was a significant distance from the fire.  Main Street was closed in both directions for the duration of the incident.

    The cause of the fire was unintentional.  There were no injuries to firefighters or civilians.  The loss to the property was $40,000 with a save of $260,000.

    Assisting Aid Agencies

    Incident Commander: Battalion Chief Garrett Coryell

    Prepared By: Battalion Chief Garrett Coryell

    Date / Time Posted: 12/23/2021 2047

    Information Center: 951.826.5321