Riverside Fire Department

Janis Incident

Fire incident Banner

Incident Name: Janis Incident

Date Reported: 08/07/2020

Time Reported: 1348 Hours

Incident Location: 8200 Block of Janis Riverside

Ward #: Ward 5 Placencia

Type of Incident: Structure Fire

Incident Number: RIV #20-22572

Control Time: 1415 Hours

Fatalities: 0

Critical: 0

Moderate: 0

Minor: 0

Non Injury: YES

Displaced Persons: 5

Loss: 30,000.00

/* 450,000.00 */


  • Unintentional
  • Evacuations: 5

    Evacuation Comments: Assisted by Red Cross & SAVE card

    Resources Assigned

    Chief Officer(s): 1

    Engine Companies: 3

    Truck Companies: 1

    Squad(s): 1

    Ambulance(s): 1

    Firefighter(s): 19

    Safety Officer(s): 0

    Public Information Officer(s): 0

    Fire Investigator(s): 2

    Overhead Personnel: 1

    Mutual Aid:

    Specialized Equipment:

    EOC: 0

    Utilities: 1

    Red Cross: Red Cross was contacted and is assisting the family.

    Percent (%) Contained or Completed: 100

    Total (%) of Perimeter that will be Contained: N/A

    Incident Size Acreage: N/A

    Current Situation

    (Recent updates are posted at the top of the Current Situation)

    The City of Riverside Fire Department Responded Battalion 2 responded to a reported structure fire on the 8200 block of Janis Street in the City of Riverside. 

    Upon arriving on scene B2 reported a 1500 square foot home with a working fire in the attached garage. 

    The fire was extinguished using a single 1.75” hose line that was deployed directly into the garage.  The fire was contained to the garage with only minor smoke damage to the contents of the home.  The roof was opened up to extinguish a small portion of the attic that contained fire.  The contents of the home were salvaged using covers.

    All units remained on scene to completely mop up the fire with cause and origin determination.  The fire was deemed as accidental and started in the front part of the garage. 

    The family was displaced due to no utilities available at the home. The Family will be assisted by the Red Cross and a SAVE card that was issued to them at the scene. I have since checked in with the family and all are well and pleased with our response.

    There was no firefighter nor civilian injuries reported as a result of this fire. 

    Assisting Aid Agencies

  • AMR

  • Incident Commander: Scott Wilson

    Prepared By: Scott Wilson

    Date / Time Posted: 08/07/2020 @ 1735 Hours

    Information Center: 951.826.5321