Riverside Fire Department

Quiet Lane Incident

Fire incident Banner

Incident Name: Quiet Lane

Date Reported: 11/15/2019

Time Reported: 1635 Hours

Incident Location: 11,700 Block of Quiet Lane, Riverside

Ward #: Ward 7 Adams

Type of Incident: Residential Structure Fire

Incident Number: RIV #19-0034528

Control Time: 11/15/2019 at 1724 hours





Non Injury:

Displaced Persons:

Loss: 50,000

/* 280,000 */


  • Intentional
  • Evacuations:

    Evacuation Comments:

    Resources Assigned

    Chief Officer(s): 1

    Engine Companies: 3

    Truck Companies: 1

    Squad(s): 1


    Firefighter(s): 18

    Safety Officer(s):

    Public Information Officer(s):

    Fire Investigator(s):

    Overhead Personnel: 1

    Mutual Aid:

    Specialized Equipment:



    Red Cross:

    Percent (%) Contained or Completed:

    Total (%) of Perimeter that will be Contained:

    Incident Size Acreage:

    Current Situation

    (Recent updates are posted at the top of the Current Situation)

    The City of Riverside Fire Department responded to a report of a residential structure fire in the 11,700 block of Quiet Lane. The first due Engine Company found a single-story single family dwelling with a moderate amount of smoke coming from the front door of the home. The crews were met by one of the occupants who stated there was a fire in the back bedroom. Riverside City Firefighters made entry into the home and found an occupant with a garden hose spraying water on the fire. Due to the amount of smoke in the residence, the occupant was escorted out of the home for his own safety. Riverside Firefighters reentered the home and extinguished the fire in the bedroom. The fire was brought under control in about 10 minutes with the majority of the damage limited to the room that the fire started in, with smoke damage throughout the home. The cause of the fire was a heating blanket that had caught fire next to the bed. There were no civilian or firefighter injuries during the incident. The occupants were able to find alternative lodging.

    Assisting Aid Agencies

    Incident Commander: Captain Chad Selk

    Prepared By: BC Jeff DeLaurie

    Date / Time Posted: 11/15/2019 2020

    Information Center: 951.826.5321