Riverside Fire Department

Riverwalk Incident

Fire incident Banner

Incident Name: Riverwalk Incident

Date Reported: 01/03/2025

Time Reported: 1411 HRS

Incident Location: 4500 Block of Riverwalk

Ward #: 7 Hemenway

Type of Incident: Vehicle Fire

Incident Number: RIV # 25-00000300

Control Time: 1517 HRS

Fatalities: 0

Critical: 0

Moderate: 0

Minor: 0

Non Injury: YES

Displaced Persons:


/* */


  • Unintentional
  • Evacuations:

    Evacuation Comments:

    Resources Assigned

    Chief Officer(s): 1

    Engine Companies: 2

    Truck Companies:



    Firefighter(s): 8

    Safety Officer(s):

    Public Information Officer(s):

    Fire Investigator(s): 1

    Overhead Personnel:

    Mutual Aid:

    Specialized Equipment:

  • Heavy Wrecker
  • EOC:


    Red Cross:

    Percent (%) Contained or Completed:

    Total (%) of Perimeter that will be Contained:

    Incident Size Acreage:

    Current Situation

    (Recent updates are posted at the top of the Current Situation)

    The City of Riverside Fire Department responded to a reported large truck fire at the above location.  First arriving units reported a large roll off dumpster and a tractor involved in fire, additionally there was a grass component involved as well.  The grass fire was extinguished followed by the tractor and the dumpster.  The dumpster was filled with tree trimmings which created dense smoke. The fire was extinguished in approximately 20 minutes with complete extinguishment occurring in approximately 90 minutes.

    Assisting Aid Agencies

    Incident Commander: Josh Fudge

    Prepared By: Scott Wilson

    Date / Time Posted: 01/03/2024

    Information Center: 951.826.5321