Riverside Fire Department

Structure Fire

Fire incident Banner

Incident Name: Banbury Incident

Date Reported: 02/15/2020

Time Reported: 2148 Hours

Incident Location: 3600 Block of Banbury Drive

Ward #: Ward 6 Perry

Type of Incident: Structure Fire

Incident Number: RIV #20-0005025

Control Time: 02/15/2020 at 2239 Hours

Fatalities: 0

Critical: 0

Moderate: 0

Minor: 0

Non Injury: 0

Displaced Persons: 64

Loss: $250,000

/* $4,550,000 */


  • Failure of equipment or heat source
  • Evacuations: One apartment building (16 individual apartments)

    Evacuation Comments: N/A

    Resources Assigned

    Chief Officer(s): 1

    Engine Companies: 6

    Truck Companies: 2

    Squad(s): 1

    Ambulance(s): 0

    Firefighter(s): 28

    Safety Officer(s): 1

    Public Information Officer(s): 1

    Fire Investigator(s): 1

    Overhead Personnel: 0

    Mutual Aid:

    Specialized Equipment:

    EOC: 0

    Utilities: 0

    Red Cross: N/A

    Percent (%) Contained or Completed: 100%

    Total (%) of Perimeter that will be Contained: N/A

    Incident Size Acreage: N/A

    Current Situation

    (Recent updates are posted at the top of the Current Situation)

    The City of Riverside Fire Department responded to a report of a structure fire at an apartment complex in the 3600 block of Banbury Drive.  The first arriving units found a fire burning in the attic above a laundry room that had extended within a common wall and into the second story attic.  An aggressive fire attack was initiated and the occupants from 16 apartments were evacuated.  Several apartments sustained smoke and water damage. The likely cause of the fire is electrical in nature. The occupants of the 16 apartments were able to work with the apartment managers to make temporary housing arrangements as the utilities have been shut off. There were no civilian or firefighter injuries. 

    Assisting Aid Agencies

    Incident Commander: Battalion Chief Todd Gooch

    Prepared By: Battalion Chief Todd Gooch

    Date / Time Posted: 02/16/2020 0150 Hours

    Information Center: 951.826.5321