Riverside Fire Department

Flat Rock Incident

Fire incident Banner

Incident Name: Flat Rock Incident

Date Reported: 05/16/2020

Time Reported: 1302 Hrs

Incident Location: 4000 Block of Flat Rock Dr. Riverside CA 92503

Ward #: Ward 7 Hemenway

Type of Incident: Commercial Structure Fire

Incident Number: RIV #20-013954

Control Time: 05/16/2020 @ 1612 Hrs

Fatalities: 0

Critical: 0

Moderate: 0

Minor: 0

Non Injury: YES

Displaced Persons:

Loss: 20,000.00

/* 1,500,000.00 */


  • Unintentional
  • Evacuations: 0

    Evacuation Comments: N/A

    Resources Assigned

    Chief Officer(s): 1

    Engine Companies: 3

    Truck Companies: 2

    Squad(s): 1

    Ambulance(s): 1

    Firefighter(s): 22

    Safety Officer(s): 1

    Public Information Officer(s):

    Fire Investigator(s): 1

    Overhead Personnel: 1

    Mutual Aid:

    Specialized Equipment:

    EOC: 0

    Utilities: 0

    Red Cross: 0

    Percent (%) Contained or Completed: 100

    Total (%) of Perimeter that will be Contained: N/A

    Incident Size Acreage: N/A

    Current Situation

    (Recent updates are posted at the top of the Current Situation)

    The City of Riverside Fire Department responded to a reported commercial structure fire on the 4000 block of Flat Rock Dr.  The first arriving fire units reported heavy smoke and fire to the rear of the building.  After further investigation it was found that the fire was burning in High piled pallets and cardboard.  The fire was placed under control within 30 minutes of the first arriving units.  There was no extension of the fire into the structure due to the firefighting efforts.  There was a nearby home that sustained damage to a window due to the radiant heat exposure.  No civilian or fire personnel were injured during this incident.

    Assisting Aid Agencies

    Incident Commander: Scott Wilson

    Prepared By: Scott Wilson

    Date / Time Posted: 05/16/20 @ 1851 hrs.

    Information Center: 951.826.5321