Riverside Public Library
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Interlibrary Loan

About Interlibrary Loan

An Interlibrary Loan (ILL) allows you to borrow materials that are not owned by the Riverside Public Library. This service is available to anyone with a valid Riverside Public Library card. Fine balances must be below $5 in order to use this service. Each ILL request includes a $2 nonrefundable fee.

Submitting an Interlibrary Loan Request

Fill out the Interlibrary Loan Request Form.

Types of Materials

Some materials are difficult to obtain because other libraries may not loan them. These include:
• Materials published within the last year
• Reference materials
• Newspapers in original format
• Rare materials
• DVDs, videos, music compact discs and, music cassettes and videos

Loan Period

All ILL materials are checked out for a 3-week period (21 days).
We do not renew ILL materials. No exceptions.

Please note: Some libraries charge an additional fee to cover shipping, lending, copying, etc. You can supply the maximum amount you are willing to pay towards these charges, should they exist. However, we will always attempt to fulfill your request through a "free lender" before moving on to an institution that charges.