Street Services
The goal of the Street Services Division is to provide maintenance of the public infrastructure to ensure the safe, efficient movement of vehicular and pedestrian traffic. In addition, the Street Services Division weed and vector control programs promote a healthful environment.
Division Activities
The Street Services Division activities include: sidewalk, curb and gutter installation and repairs, pothole and asphalt rehabilitation (paving), street and curb painting, traffic control signage, graffiti removal, paving crews, guardrail repair, and vector control (birds, bees, mosquitoes, and rodents).
Report a Problem
If you have a problem or concern and would like assistance, please call 311 to reach the 311 call center.

Street Services
Ensuring safe, efficient movement of vehicular and pedestrian traffic.

Call 311
Please contact the city's 311 Call Center if you need to report a problem or request a service.