
Beyond Google and Facebook Ads

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

How do you find more affordable paid advertising platforms? You will get insight into four new platforms that you can drive new leads. Identify areas to advertise where you might find untapped audiences. Beyond Google Ads and Facebook:

Four Advertising Platforms You Should Consider Using for Your Small Business:

Amazon Ads (Not e-commerce)
- Why – Amazon owns several popular websites/platforms where you can place your ad
- Audible, Prime Video, Twitch
- Twitch demo – nearly 70% are 18-35, roughly 80% male
- Audible demo – 48% (18-35), 34% (35-54), roughly 50% male/female
- Prime Video demo – nearly 70% of all US adults have a Prime Video

Pinterest Ads
- Demo – 80% women, 47% (18-34)
- $2-$5 CPM

Snapchat Ads
- $5 per day minimum ad buy
- They own the millennial and Gen Z demo. (75% of Snapchat users)

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(951) 781-2345