
Getaway Art Trips: Growing in Coachella Valley

11/16/2019 - 8:00am to 5:00pm

Take a time out; go on a day trip! They create unexpected memories and are a refreshing cultural experience. Join us on two trips this fall to learn from artists in their studio, see onsite murals, and get in-depth knowledge about their work and what propels them to create. Questions? Please contact Katie Hernandez, RAM Interpretation Coordinator, at [email protected].

Growing in Coachella Valley

Saturday, November 16, Bus departs RAM at 8 a.m., $175 (Includes transportation, lunch, and bus cocktails)

Away we go to learn about the growing art scene in the Coachella Valley. Armando Lerma will be our tour guide as he talks about his murals as part of Coachella Walls, created in partnership with the California Desert Arts Council, who will be there to tell us about the creation of this community-driven project to revitalize downtown Coachella’s Historic Pueblo Viejo District. This visit is an opportunity to learn about the arts in a neighboring community and hear from artists and partners working to preserve local history. To end our trip, we’ll make a stop in Palm Springs to enjoy a cocktail or two.

Contact Information

Ai Kelley