Shelters & Programs



Is a ONE-STOP MULTI-SERVICE CAMPUS centralized service environment to provide short-term emergency shelter along with a range of supportive services critical to assisting homeless individuals and families in addressing their issues and achieving housing stability. Since the adoption of the Homeless Action Plan, the City has pursued a long-term strategy to assemble properties at Hulen Place in a "campus-style" setting where a wide-range of service needs can be addressed in a coordinated delivery system that includes outreach, crisis intervention, interim housing, and "rapid rehousing" accompanied by supportive case management.

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The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has adopted the Housing First model, which emphasizes moving homeless individuals into housing as quickly as possible and providing the appropriate level of services to support housing stabilization and retention. In support of the Housing first model, the City has implemented the following housing programs that help homeless individuals make the transition to permanent housing and independent living

  • Tenant-Based Rental Assistance Program: Provide eligible homeless individuals and families as well as those at-risk to homelessness in Riverside with short-term rental subsidies coupled with home-based case management
  • Permanent Supportive Housing Program (SHP): Through the HUD Continuum of Care, eight SHP units are reserved for chronically homeless individuals and seven units are reserved for homeless persons with disabling conditions.
  • Shelter Plus Care, "Street to Home": Rental assistance to chronically homeless individuals living on the streets.

Homeless Street Outreach Program

The City of Riverside Homeless Street Outreach Team is made up of four professional service providers who conduct daily mobile outreach and client service engagement for homeless individuals and families on the streets, in service venues, and other locations where they can be found in Riverside. The Outreach Team responds to the issues and concerns of people in need of assistance as well as local residents, businesses and others relative to homelessness in this community. Focused on the "hardest-to-reach" and "service-resistant" chronically homeless population, the Outreach Team works in partnership with city staff, local service providers, health professionals, law enforcement, and the community at-large to help people get off the streets and connected with the services they need to gain stable housing and achieve self-sufficiency. Local service professionals and community volunteers participate in "ride-alongs" throughout the week to assist the Outreach Team with engaging people in need of services.

To seek assistance with a homeless situation or to volunteer for a ride along, please contact the Outreach Team at:
Phone: (951) 826-2200

Permanent Supportive Housing Program

The City continues to receive an annual allocation through the HUD Continuum of Care Supportive Housing Program (SHP) to support the development and operations of two permanent supportive housing projects providing housing for sixteen (16) individuals/households. One of the projects provides supportive housing specifically to chronically homeless individuals and the second project provides supportive housing for homeless persons with disabling conditions and their families (where applicable). On-going case management and supportive services are provided to participants to help ensure housing stability and the achievement of self-sufficiency goals. The City is working in partnership with local nonprofit housing developers, Riverside Housing Development Corporation and National CORE, as well as supportive service providers to implement these two projects. City staff will continue to pursue new opportunities to partner with local nonprofit organizations to develop and implement additional permanent supportive housing projects.

For more information,
Phone: (800) 498-8847

Veterans' Administration Supportive Housing Initiative (VASH)

The US Department of Veterans' Affairs is working in collaboration with the US Department of Housing and Urban Development to provide targeted housing choice vouchers to homeless veterans throughout the country. Locally, the VA Loma Linda is working in collaboration with the Housing Authority of the County of Riverside, the Homeless Street Outreach Team and other continuum of care partners to assist homeless veterans with moving off the streets and into permanent supportive housing.

For more information,
Phone: (909) 825-7084

Tenant-based Rental Assistance Program (TBRA)

The Riverside City Council allocated funding to establish the TBRA to help address the need for permanent housing solutions for individuals and families that are homeless or on the verge of homelessness in the City of Riverside. The TBRA program, administered by the Housing Authority of the County of Riverside, provides eligible homeless and at-risk households in Riverside with move-in assistance or short-and-medium-term rental subsidies coupled with home-based case management. The TBRA program includes a "street to home" pilot project assisting a target group of chronically homeless individuals with exiting life on the streets and moving directly into housing coupled with aggressive case management provided by the City's Homeless Street Outreach Team.

For more information, please contacty City of Riverside Access Center
Phone: (951) 826-3938

Housing First Initiative / Tenant-Based Rental Assistance

The City of Riverside is working with community partners to implement the best practice "Housing First" approach which emphasizes moving people into housing as quickly as possible and providing the appropriate level of services to support housing stabilization and retention, into all aspects of our local continuum of care. The Housing First approach represents a significant shift away from the traditional homeless service delivery system to one focused on homeless prevention, rapid re-housing and home-based case management to facilitate client stabilization leading to self-sufficiency. This effort currently includes the HUD SHP-funded Permanent Supportive Housing Program; the Veteran's Administration Supportive Housing initiative (VASH) administered by the VA Loma Linda and the Housing Authority of the County of Riverside (HACR) and City's HOME-funded Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (TBRA) program.