Internationally Accredited
Since 2019
On February 28, 2024, the City of Riverside Fire Department presented itself before the Commission on Fire Accreditation International to achieve its Re-accredited Agency Status for an additional four years, securing accreditation through 2028.
As one of only 311 fire departments globally with CFAI Accredited Status, the department undergoes an annual compliance report submitted every February, actively working on re-accreditation. The integration of the accreditation process into daily operations and culture serves as the foundation for delivering quality services to the Riverside community.
The department will continue to pursue ongoing organizational improvement through the implementation of initiatives and opportunities for enhancement. Currently aligning with the 2023-2028 Strategic Plan, the department will operate under defined goals and objectives. The Community Risk Assessment and Standards of Cover 2023 document will establish the minimum level of emergency response resources and deployment strategies committed by the City of Riverside, department administration, and all community members. Committed to the CFAI model, the department will persist in working towards these goals.
Integral to the accreditation plan and overall success will be the Strategic Plan, Community Risk Assessment and Standards of Cover, Self-Assessment Manual, and CFAI Accreditation Report.