Museum of Riverside

Reading the Walls Online Exhibit - Room #1 : Case 3
Harada’s Move to Riverside and Open the "Washington Restaurant"

In 1905, the Harada family lived in a Riverside rooming house and found work in Ulysses S. Kaneko’s Golden State Restaurant. In 1906 their daughter Mine was born and the following year, son, Tadao, was born. Jukichi sought to increase his family’s income by renting a building to open a small rooming house. In 1910, Jukichi operated the "Washington Restaurant" (named for the United States’ first president), located at 641 Eighth Street (now University Avenue). This restaurant was also located at two other sites during its operation. The Washington Restaurant became known for Jukichi’s patriotic display of framed pictures of United States presidents. The family size grew with the births of daughter Sumi in 1910 and son, Yoshizo in 1912. Jukichi expanded his rooming houses from two to three locations to support his growing family.