Act Now to Prevent Wildfires

Annual Blue Light Ceremony

Published: 11/30/2018



November 30, 2018



Officer Ryan J. Railsback

Public Information Officer  

Community Services Bureau

[email protected]

(951) 373-6032 (Media Contact)





RIVERSIDE, CA – The annual “Blue Light” Ceremony will be held on Monday, December 17, 2018, at 6:00 p.m., inside the Board of Supervisor Chambers at the County Administrative Center, located at 4080 Lemon Street in downtown Riverside.


The law enforcement agencies in Western Riverside County invite all our community members to attend this event.  It is open to the public and family-friendly.


The “Blue Light” ceremony honors all Peace Officers in Riverside County who have lost their lives in the line of duty.  It is a time to celebrate the lives of the 64 officers who were taken from us, and a time to show support for the families they left behind.  The blue light is symbolic of our remembrance of those officers who died, but also honors the officers who continue to work today.  Please join us in displaying blue lights during the month of December to show your support.


For any inquiries about this ceremony, please contact Officer Ryan J. Railsback at [email protected].  For Survivor family members wishing to attend, please RSVP to [email protected] or (951) 955-9529.