Act Now to Prevent Wildfires


Published: 02/14/2023



RIVERSIDE, CA – The Riverside Police Department is offering funding to local businesses in the city of Riverside to assist with the costs involved with improving safety and security.  All businesses are eligible to apply and are subject to review and approval by the Riverside Police Department.  The Safety & Security Program offers grant funding for security cameras, security lighting, fencing, and other security related items.  Each awarded grant will be up to $10,000 funded through the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021(ARPA).


Eligible upgrades to businesses include:


- Improved or new lighting to parking lots, adjacent alleyways and/or areas immediately around business (may be direct wired, electrical, or solar).

- Video camera systems that monitor activity inside the business or directly surrounding the business.

- Landscaping that improves the safety and security of the business.

- Fencing that improves the safety and security of the business.

- Any other devices, structures or equipment that improves the safety and security of the business that have been approved after a CPTED inspection conducted by Riverside Police Department personnel. 


CPTED, or “Crime Prevention Through Environment Design,” is a multi-disciplinary approach to crime prevention through building safety, architectural design, and the management of build and natural environment.  A member of the police department who is qualified to conduct CPTED inspections will meet with the business owner to evaluate safety and security improvement in accordance with best CPTED practices.


In order to apply, the business must meet general qualifications that include:


- Must be a for-profit business within City limits.  Homebased businesses are eligible, though owner residency is not required.

- Must have proof of a valid City of Riverside business license and be in good standing with the city (no liens or judgements unless demonstrated to be a direct COVID-19 impact).

- Must be a small or micro-enterprise with no more than 50 employees. This includes sole proprietors, independent contractors, 1099 employees, C-corporations, S-corporations, cooperatives, limited liability companies, partnerships, and limited partnerships.

- Must have no more than 2.5 million in annual revenue.

- Must be registered with California Secretary of State and have valid County Health Department licenses if required based on business type.

- City employees and elected and appointed officials are not eligible to participate in this program.


“We are excited to announce this opportunity for our local businesses to enhance their security measures that not only better protect their property, but help reduce crime in their neighborhood, “stated Riverside Police Chief Larry Gonzalez.  Riverside Mayor Patricia Lock Dawson added, “The safety of our residents, businesses and visitors is our number one priority in Riverside. These ARPA grant funds are going to help us maintain our continued commitment to public safety and community wellbeing in our city.”


To apply for the Safety and Security Program business grant, go to www.RiversideCA.gov/RPD/ARPA-Grant-Application to thoroughly review the entire business qualifications and complete the downloadable grant application.   Once completed, submit your grant application to [email protected]


All questions or comments regarding the Riverside Police Department’s Safety and Security business program grant, qualifications, and application process should be directed to [email protected]