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City of Riverside Ceremony to Remember Victims and Heroes of 9/11

Published: 9/5/2024



Sept. 5, 2024



Phil Pitchford

Public Information Officer


[email protected]



City of Riverside Ceremony to Remember Victims and Heroes of 9/11

Heartfelt remembrances, moment of silence and stair-climbing tribute planned

RIVERSIDE, Calif. – Victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the Riverside firefighters who responded to the tragedy will be honored Wednesday morning with a 9/11 Day of Remembrance Ceremony and a stair-climbing tribute.

The event will begin at 8:45 a.m. at Veterans’ Plaza on the south side of City Hall, near the intersection of 10th and Main streets. The event will include music, the Presentation of the Colors, the singing of the National Anthem, a recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance, and an invocation.

City Councilmember Jim Perry, Mayor Patricia Lock Dawson, Police Chief Larry Gonzalez and Fire Chief Michael Moore each will offer reflections. A moment of silence will be observed at 9:11 a.m., following by a bell ringing and the singing of “Amazing Grace.”

The Day of Remembrance will conclude with a stair-climbing tribute to the firefighters who climbed the 110 floors of the World Trade Center to render aid. More than three dozen City employees will climb about 2,200 steps – roughly 110 floors -- on a stair-climbing fitness machine.

More information about the event can be found here.

To  learn more about the public service provided in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks by the Riverside Fire Department as part of Riverside’s Urban Search & Rescue CA Task Force 6 (CA TF6), please see a moving documentary here.
