Act Now to Prevent Wildfires

City of Riverside Firework Shows Coming July 4th

Published: 6/20/2023



June 20, 2023



Ebony Perkins

Recreation Supervisor

[email protected]

(951) 826-2045



City of Riverside Firework Shows Coming July 4th

Shows begin promptly at 9 p.m. at Mt. Rubidoux and La Sierra Park

RIVERSIDE, Calif. – The City of Riverside invites the community to celebrate Independence Day with 4th of July fireworks extravaganzas at two local parks.

The City of Riverside Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department will present the shows promptly at 9 p.m. at La Sierra Park (5215 La Sierra Ave.) and Mt. Rubidoux (4706 Mt. Rubidoux St.). Spectators are encouraged to bring their own blankets and refreshments.

No access will be available at Carlson Dog Park or Mt. Rubidoux after 7 a.m. on July 4.

The City of Riverside encourages residents to enjoy the fireworks at these parks and not engage in personal fireworks usage. All fireworks are illegal within city limits, and anyone found using illegal fireworks is subject to a $1,000 fine.

Fireworks cause injuries in adults and children, spark fires that can endanger firefighters and the public, create stress for veterans with PTSD, and terrify many animals. The City has sent warning letters to people who have been cited in the past and to addresses identified as fireworks sites.

Report illegal fireworks by calling 311 (951-826-5311) during regular business hours. For the best response after regular business hours, use the 311 mobile app or the website. Calls made after regular working hours will be directed to a non-emergency dispatcher to document information for follow-up.

For issues regarding imminent threats to life or property, call 911. For non-emergency calls to the Riverside Police Department, call 951-354-2007. Additional information: RiversideCA.gov/fire

#Iloveriversideparks #4ofjulyriverside