
City of Riverside Recognized for Having #1 Green Fleet in North America

Published: 9/14/2022



Sept. 14, 2022



Phil Pitchford

Public Information Officer





City of Riverside Recognized for Having #1 Green Fleet in North America

Award recognizes ongoing effort to emphasize sustainability and environmental stewardship in city

RIVERSIDE, Calif. – The City of Riverside recently was recognized as having the #1 green fleet in North America by the NAFA Fleet Management Association, the vehicle fleet industry's largest membership association, which includes more than 38,000 fleets in the U.S., Canada and Mexico. 

The recognition is part of the City’s ongoing move toward a clean and green future. Other examples include being chosen as the Southern California headquarters of the California Air Resources Board, housed in the largest Zero Net Energy, Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Platinum certified building in the United States; and creating one of the first “Clean Air Car Share Program” partnerships in the U.S., bringing free clean air mobility options to qualifying residents.

“Riverside has made ‘going green’ a part of our city’s identity, and the green fleet award is the latest recognition of those efforts,” Mayor Patricia Lock Dawson said. “Finishing first among such a large field of competitors is a testament to our commitment in this area.”

The annual Green Fleet Awards were announced during the Sustainable Fleet Technology Conference and Expo in Durham, N.C. Second place went to the City of Long Beach.  Other notable Top 100 finishes include the Portland, Oregon (#20), San Diego (#25), New York City (#26), Atlanta, (#33) and Edmonton, Canada (# 45). A full list of winners can be found at: https://www.nafa.org/green-fleet-awards-2022/.

The Green Fleet Awards recognize fleet sustainability efforts and honors fleets that have enhanced practices to make a positive impact on the environment. The awards emphasize cities’ commitment to the use of alternative fuel and hybrid vehicles, fuel usage and savings, purchasing policy, long-range planning, and community outreach among other areas. 

The recognition aligns with the City of Riverside’s Strategic Plan objectives of greening the city’s fleet, decreasing Riverside’s carbon footprint and achieving carbon neutrality by 2040.

“This milestone shows how our city is not just talking about sustainability, but making major strides toward achieving it,” Mayor Pro Tem Ronaldo Fierro said.

NAFA Fleet Management Association is the membership organization for professionals who manage the mobility requirements of vehicle fleets that include commercial, public safety, trucks, and buses of all types and sizes, including more than 4.6 million vehicles that drive an estimated 50 billion miles each year. NAFA's members control assets and services well above $100 billion each year.

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