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Human Relation Commission’s Resolution - Stop AAPI Hate

Published: 05/5/2021

Human Relation Commission’s Resolution - Stop AAPI Hate

WHEREAS, the Human Relations Commission is an appointed body that advises the Mayor and Riverside City Council on issues of discrimination and advocates for access to equal opportunities, and

WHEREAS, the Human Relations Commission “engages in activities designed to aid in the elimination of prejudice, intolerance, and discrimination against individuals or groups because of race, color, religion, national origin, language, citizenship status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or cultural background”, and

WHEREAS, Asian can be defined as a pan-ethnic group consisting of individuals having origins of East Asia, Southeast Asia, Central Asia, and the Pacific Islands; and

WHEREAS, the number of hate crimes and incidents – physical assault, vandalism, spitting, verbal harassment, shunning, and refusal of service – against Asian/AAPI persons has increased nationwide. Between March and December 2020, 44 percent of nationally reported incidents took place in California as documented by Stop AAPI Hate’s press release dated February 09, 2021; and

WHEREAS, the City of Riverside has its own documented history of anti-Asian sentiment and discrimination against Asian-American community members, including but not limited to the persecution of the Harada family and the erasure of Riverside’s historic Chinatown, and

WHEREAS, as recently as March 21st, 2021, nail salons in Riverside were among those being targeted in an apparent campaign of anonymous, racist, hate letters being sent to Asian-owned businesses, and

WHEREAS, the Human Relations Commission and its members vocally reject these violent and hateful acts and stand in solidarity with our Asian communities in order to break down systems that encourage hate and violence against Asian communities, and

WHEREAS, the HRC endorses and supports the recent proclamation of our Mayor, Patricia Lock Dawson, denouncing violence toward the AAPI community.

WHEREAS, let it be resolved by the City of Riverside Human Relations Commission that:

  1. The HRC encourages the City to partner with community-based organizations, advocacy groups, as well as appropriate County, State, federal officials to protect AAPI residents and victims of discrimination, hate and violence and to curb hate acts related to COVID-19 for other groups.
  2. The HRC recommends that City staff link the Stop AAPI Hate reporting center on the City’s main and auxiliary website pages, in order to join the national effort of documenting and combating anti-AAPI discrimination.
  3. The HRC encourages City staff and local elected officials to work with the Riverside Human Relations Commission in documenting and investigating incidents of anti-AAPI racism and promote respect for all residents in businesses and public areas.
  4. The HRC calls on local law enforcement, in partnership with federal agencies tasked with hate crime investigation, to be more aware and responsive to AAPI hate crimes and to prosecute them as they occur.
  5. The HRC urges the City to partner with community-based organizations to highlight AAPI stories, and uplift contributions of AAPI-owned businesses and AAPI-led organizations.
  6. The HRC further encourages local faith-based and non-profit communities to get educated on AAPI issues and commit to educating their communities.
  7. The HRC calls upon Riverside County Board of Supervisors and local governments within their jurisdiction to adopt similar commitments and hold themselves accountable to protecting our AAPI communities.