

Published: 07/02/2024



RIVERSIDE, CA – Recently, the Riverside Police Department’s Technical Services Unit (TSU) and Riverside Fire Department’s Arson Investigations Unit began an investigation into the possible sales of illegal fireworks in the city of Riverside.  They identified the seller and his residence, then obtained a search warrant to look for and seize the illegal fireworks.


On Thursday, June 20th and with assistance from the West Post-Release & Accountability Team (PACT) and the California Office of the State Fire Marshal, the search warrant was served at a home in the 5800 block of Clifton Avenue, located in the Hillside neighborhood of Riverside.


Approximately 1000 pounds of dangerous and illegal fireworks were located on the backyard patio.  Almost 100 individual destructive devices, similar to M-80 style explosives, were also located.  Additionally, other evidence indicative of the selling of these illegal fireworks were found along with several firearms, some of which are illegal to possess under California law.


Vincent Lozano III, 23-years-old of Riverside, was arrested at the home.  He was later booked into the Robert Presley Detention Center for possession of more than 100 pounds of dangerous fireworks, possession of destructive devices, and weapons violations. 

He was also booked for child endangerment since these illegal fireworks and destructive devices were accessible to children living at the home.  Mr. Lozano was released the next day on $35,000 bail.


The City of Riverside reminds all residents that fireworks are illegal within city limits.  Anyone found using illegal fireworks could face a $1,5000 fine.  The city has been actively working to reduce the usage of illegal fireworks, which can cause injuries, stress veterans with PTSD, terrify animals, and spark dangerous fires.


To report illegal fireworks in the city, you can:

  • Utilize the Riverside 311 mobile app
  • Call the Riverside 311 Call Center at (951) 826-5311
  • Report through the Riverside 311 website at https://crmweb.riversideca.gov.
  • Reporting illegal fireworks can also be made anonymously


NOTE:  A City of Riverside press conference held on Tuesday, June 26th regarding illegal fireworks dangers and enforcement can be found at https://fb.watch/s_V1r8SCdO/.


Anyone with additional information regarding this illegal fireworks and destructive devices investigation and arrest should contact TSU Officer J. Alter at JAlter@RiversideCA.gov or (951) 351-6152, or TSU Officer V. Schmitz at VSchmitz@RiversideCA.gov or (951) 351-6404.  For those who wish to remain anonymous, you can download the Riverside Police Department’s “Atlas 1” mobile app and utilize the “Send a Message” feature to send us the information.  Our mobile app can be downloaded at APPLE or ANDROID.