
Mayor Rusty Bailey to Discuss Ways Community Can Come Together to “Elevate Riverside” During State of the City Address Jan. 24

Published: 01/14/2019



Jan. 15, 2019



Phil Pitchford

Public Information Officer





Mayor Rusty Bailey to Discuss Ways Community Can Come Together to “Elevate Riverside” During State of the City Address Jan. 24

RIVERSIDE, Calif. – Mayor Rusty Bailey will discuss ways the community can come together to “Elevate Riverside” during his seventh State of the City address at the Riverside Convention Center on Jan. 24.

The annual State of the City event, produced by the Greater Riverside Chambers of Commerce in partnership with the City of Riverside, combines a review of the prior year’s accomplishments with an outline of major issues facing the city in the coming year.

“I’ve said since Day One as Mayor that everything rises and falls on leadership, and that includes the city we hold so dear,” Mayor Bailey said. “I look forward to having a conversation with the community on how everyone can come together to Elevate Riverside, and demonstrate the leadership that will keep Riverside moving forward, whether that is in elected office, in the workplace or in the non-profit world.”

Mayor Bailey will announce the winner of the Dr. Carlos E. Cortés Award for Championing Diversity and Inclusivity, named for the Professor Emeritus of History at UC Riverside who has been a lifetime advocate of the importance of diversity and the need for inclusivity. The award recognizes actions taken toward furthering the City of Riverside’s pledge to build a more inclusive community.

The Chamber will present the Riverside Hero Award and announce winners of the Beautification Awards from Keep Riverside Clean & Beautiful.

“The State of the City address is a great chance for people who care about Riverside to get caught up on the good things happening in our city,” Mayor Pro Tem Mike Soubirous said. “It’s also a chance for our diverse and growing community to hear about challenges and opportunities that face us in the coming year.”

Registration begins at 4:45 p.m., and the program is scheduled to start at 5:30. General admission seating is free. Reserved seating is available for $50 and includes a ticket to the reception after the speech.

Individual tickets for the reserved seating and reception can be purchased by going to the Greater Riverside Chambers of Commerce’s website -- www.riverside-chamber.com – and clicking “Events,” then “Online Registration,” or by calling 951-683-7100.