Act Now to Prevent Wildfires


Published: 01/31/2023



The Riverside Police Department created the O.W.E. Jr. juvenile intervention & prevention program to provide education and mentoring to our youth in grades 4th, 5th, and 6th through positive interactions with police officers, educators, prosecutors, and other professionals, rather than the negative influences they encounter in their different environments. O.W.E. Jr. is not a boot camp or “scared straight” type program, but one designed to positively redirect “at-risk” youth and their parents bring a sense of “Family” back to their homes through counseling, structure, and education. Parent attendance is mandatory in order to participate. The O.W.E. Jr. program is FREE to all families and you do not need to be a resident of Riverside to enroll.


O.W.E. Jr. is expected to begin on Saturday, February 18, 2023 for six consecutive Saturdays until concluding on March 25, 2023. Classes will be held at California Baptist University - Mission Hall Building, located at 8430 Magnolia Avenue in Riverside. Note: One Saturday class to be determined will be held at the Riverside Police Department’s Magnolia Avenue facility to accommodate the Riverside Youth Judo Club class. Each Saturday class take place will start promptly at 9:00 a.m. and is expected to end around 11:30 a.m. Presentation topics will include:


  • Boundaries
  • School & Classroom Etiquette
  • Internet, Social Media, and Gaming Safety
  • Drug Awareness (vaping, marijuana, pills, Fentanyl)
  • Riverside Youth Judo Class
  • “Dreams Come True” Presentation


Each Saturday class includes group parent coaching, group youth counseling, youth drill exercises, followed by a topic presentation. Choices and consequences will be stressed throughout the 6-week program while providing important and relevant age-appropriate information to our youth and parents. The parent(s) & legal guardian(s) must fully support O.W.E. Jr. and the staff for their child to be enrolled, and are required to attend each Saturday class with their child. The group counseling and parent coaching portion of each class is provided by Life Source Affordable Counseling Services.


The next session for the OWE Program for middle and high school age teens is expected to start at the end of summer 2023, but applications are accepted all year-round.

To apply for the next O.W.E. Jr. session, complete the online application at the link below. Class size is limited so apply now!

