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Riverside Public Utilities Board Adds Member, Chooses New Chair, Vice Chair

Published: 4/11/2022



April 11, 2022



Phil Pitchford

Public Information Officer


[email protected]



Riverside Public Utilities Board Adds Member, Chooses New Chair, Vice Chair

Nipunjeet Gujral represents Ward 3, David Crohn and Rebeccah Goldware named to leadership roles

RIVERSIDE, Calif. – Nipunjeet Gujral has been named to the Board of Public Utilities, and David Crohn and Rebeccah Goldware have been named Chair and Vice Chair, respectively.

Gujral, who represents Ward 3 on the Board, is a senior data scientist with Global Infotek and serves as a Twitter bot consultant for the University of Oxford. This is his first term of the Board, and he is scheduled to serve until at least March 2026. He is a graduate of UC Riverside and expects to earn a Master of Science in applied mathematics from California Baptist University in 2024.

The Board recently chose as its Chair a veteran member, David Crohn, who has served on the Board since 2016. Crohn is Associate Professor Emeritus of Environmental Sciences at UC Riverside and an Extension Resource Conservation Specialist. Crohn represents Ward 1 on the Board, and his current term expires in March 2024.

Named as Vice-Chair was Rebeccah Goldware, the Vice Chancellor for Institutional Advancement and Economic Development at the Riverside Community College District. Named to the Board last year, Goldware is the Ward 2 representative on the Board, and her term runs through March 2024.

Established in 1895, Riverside Public Utilities is the City of Riverside’s water and electric utility that provides high quality, reliable services. RPU is committed to the highest quality water and electric services at the lowest possible rates to benefit the community.

“RPU is fortunate to have such a wide range of talent and experience on the Board,” General Manager Todd Corbin said. “I look forward to working with new member Gujral and the Board’s new leadership to move forward our goals on reliability and sustainability.”

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