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Riverside Residents Encouraged to Apply Online for Openings on Advisory Groups

Published: 10/3/2022


            Oct. 3, 2022



Donesia Gause

City Clerk

(951) 826-5557


Riverside Residents Encouraged to Apply Online

for Openings on Advisory Groups

Members of City Boards and Commissions Help Shape Future of Riverside

The City of Riverside is accepting applications from residents who want to serve on Boards and Commissions that help shape policies and practices at City Hall.

Riverside’s 15 boards and commissions offer guidance in an advisory capacity to the City Council on important policy decisions which affect daily life in the community. Such issues include General Plan updates, building design, signs, parks, recreation, trees, streets, traffic regulations, public utilities, ethics, and the City’s Budget.


“The Mayor and Councilmembers value the input from our community volunteers,” City Clerk Donesia Gause said. “Serving on a board or commission is a great way to give back to your city, being a vital link in meeting the needs of the Community.”

These are voluntary positions; applicants must reside and be registered voters within City limits to be eligible for appointment. The terms of office are four (4) years and members may serve two consecutive terms.

Applications are accepted through November 4, 2022. The vacancies include:

  • Commission on Aging (Wards 3, 5 and 7)
  • Airport Commission (Ward 4)
  • Budget Engagement Commission (Wards 3 and 6 Resident, Wards 3, 4 and 7 Business)
  • Cultural Heritage Board (Ward 4)
  • Commission on Disabilities (Citywide, Wards 1 and 5)
  • Board of Ethics (Citywide and Ward 4)
  • Human Relations Commission (Citywide, Wards 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6)
  • Human Resources Board (Wards 1, 2, and 3)
  • Board of Library Trustees (Citywide and Ward 1)
  • Museum of Riverside Board (Ward 6)
  • Park and Recreation Commission (Ward 5)
  • Planning Commission (Citywide)
  • Board of Public Utilities (Citywide)
  • Transportation Board (Wards 2 and 3)


More information: https://youtu.be/58Kpx4w7XbY

You are encouraged to apply for the vacancies by the deadline noted above. However, applications are accepted year-round for all Boards and Commissions. 

For more information about Boards and Commissions and to apply online, visit https://www.riversideca.gov/cityclerk/boards-commissions or call the City Clerk’s Office at (951) 826-5557.