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Sex Registrant Arrested For Assault With Intent To Rape

Published: 6/20/2017

RIVERSIDE, CA – On Monday, June 19, 2017, Detectives from the Riverside Police Department’s Sexual Assault and Child Abuse Unit and METRO Team arrested Angel Joseph Garcia, 46-years-old of Riverside, for assault with the intent to rape an 82-yearold female victim a few days ago.

Shortly before 9:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 15, 2017, the suspect, an acquaintance of the victim, arrived at her residence and asked for help. Once inside, he committed the assault against the elderly victim. She was able to fight off the suspect and call police after he fled, but did sustain visible injuries to various parts of her body and face. This crime occurred within a small community in the Canyon Crest neighborhood of Riverside.

Detectives quickly began the investigation and were assisted by the METRO Team (SWAT) to help apprehend the suspect. Yesterday, Garcia was located, arrested and later booked into Robert Presley Detention Center for assault with the intent to commit rape.

Garcia is a transient and registered sex offender who frequented the areas of Perris and Moreno Valley. If you have information regarding this investigation, please contact Detective Karla Beler at (951) 353-7125 or [email protected].