Three Ways To Be Waterwise & Save
Published: 05/01/2019
Using Water Efficiently Is ALWAYS Important!
While storms over the past months have helped to replenish Riverside’s groundwater supplies, year-round wise water use and conservation are always important. Outside watering in dry climates like ours in Southern California can be as high as 60% of your daily household water use. Riverside Public Utilities (RPU) is here to help with our water and money-saving rebate programs.
Reduce Waste
Weather-Based Irrigation Controller
These “smart” controllers adjust irrigation schedules
based on weather changes and needs of the
landscape. They can reduce outdoor water use
by about 20% percent. Rebates start at $80 for
controllers for less than an acre of landscape and
$35 per station for properties with more than one
acre of landscape.
Increase Knowledge
Landscape Training Workshop Series
Learn how to manage your soil, properly program
your irrigation controller, troubleshoot your irrigation
system, convert traditional irrigation to drip irrigation,
and remove and replace your lawn with low water
use plants. For upcoming dates, contact RPU at
(951) 826-5311.
Replace Turf
Residential Turf Replacement Program
A typical household can reduce water usage by
an estimated 60% by removing turf and converting
your yard to water-efficient landscaping. Funding
for the Residential Turf Replacement Program is
supplemented by RPU above the base amount
offered by Metropolitan Water District. The rebate
amount has been increased to $3 per sq. ft.

What's Your Plan?
How often you water your lawn
should change according to
the weather. In summer, water
3 days a week and 4
days when it is really hot. In
winter, water twice a week for
a healthy, green lawn.
To avoid evaporation, water
your lawn between 6:00 p.m.
and 10:00 a.m. and never in the
heat of the day.
Turn the sprinkler timer off when
it rains and wait for at least two
days before you water again.