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Off-Street Bike Paths

The City of Riverside has two official off-street bike paths.

The Santa Ana River Trail parallels the Santa Ana River to the north of the City. The trail, when completed, will travel the length of the Santa Ana River between the San Bernardino National Forest to the Pacific Ocean at Huntington Beach. The trail is completed through most of the City of Riverside.

The second official off street bike path is Victoria Avenue, a tree-lined parkway with parallel bicycle and equestrian paths. Though this side path alignment is not recommended by Caltrans, traffic along Victoria Avenue is slow enough to reduce potential motorist-cyclist conflicts. Motorist cross traffic is controlled by stop signs. On-street bike lanes also parallel most of the route. As a result, the Victoria Avenue corridor is used by cyclists of varying abilities.

There is also an unofficial off-street bike path currently used by cyclists and pedestrians in the City of Riverside. The access road alongside the Gage Canal is an unpaved road and therefore does not meet the Caltrans Class I bike path standards, but it is still an option for cyclists looking for new routes.