The Public Works Department provides high quality trash and recycling services for business and residential customers within the City of Riverside.
Convenient curbside and drop-off trash collection services promote a healthy, clean and beautiful environment.
Several disposal options are available for residents, from regularly scheduled trash, green waste and recyclables pick up to special pick up services for bulky items, appliances and used oil. There are also several Clean Up Riverside collection events held throughout the year to assist residents with the proper disposal of household items.
Effective July 1, 2023, residential customers may receive curbside services from the City of Riverside or Athens Services. Commercial businesses and multi-family housing customers receive trash and recycling services from City approved waste haulers.
Due to nationwide staffing shortages in the Solid Waste industry, the City of Riverside’s Public Works Solid Waste Division has been impacted. Residents may temporarily experience a 24 – 48 hr. delay in residential trash, recycling, and green waste pickup services. If, after 72 hours, your trash has not been serviced please contact our Customer Service Call Center in one of three convenient ways:
311 App:
Call: 951-826-5311
In order to comply with the standardized color requirement of the SB 1383 state regulation, the Solid Waste division will start to use new trash bins with a black body and gray lid (solid waste), blue (recycle), and green (green/organic waste) colored lids to replace damaged unusable bins. Properties with existing trash bins that are useable and in working condition will remain in use.
We appreciate your continued patience while we work diligently to fulfill all pending service requests for damaged trash bin replacements.

Click Here the Download the Residential Barrel Guide

Recycle From Home
Redeem CA CRV recyclables without leaving the comfort of homes or offices. Learn more.

Use the Proper Bin
The blue barrel/lid is for recyclables, the brown barrel/gray lid is for trash, and the green barrel/lid is for green/yard waste.

Recycle & Reuse
Recycling turns materials that would otherwise become waste into valuable resources. It's good for the Earth and good for you!

Trash payment assistance is now available through the Sharing Households Assist Riverside’s Energy program (SHARE).