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Construction & Demolition

Construction Material Recycling

Did You Know? More than 325 million tons of recyclable construction and demolition materials are generated in the United States annually!

Recyclable construction materials include aggregates such as concrete, asphalt, asphalt shingles, gypsum wallboard, wood and metals.

This list is provided as a public service and is not an endorsement of these companies or their services. The City is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this listing.

Recyclable construction materials may not be disposed of in residential cans. Recyclable construction materials include aggregates such as concrete, asphalt, asphalt shingles, gypsum wallboard, wood and metals.

Green Building Standards webpage

Construction and Demolition (C&D) Waste Management Program

From a materials conservation and resource efficiency perspective, construction and demolition waste management plays a significant role in recycling and sustainability efforts as required by CALGreen. The EPA estimates that 230 to 530 million tons of construction and demolition waste is produced each year nationwide in the United States*. In California, construction and demolition debris accounts for between 21.7 to 25.5 percent of California’s waste disposal*. (*EPA Final Report The State of the Practice of Construction & Demolition Material Recovery 2017). (*CalRecycle 2014 Disposal Facility Based Characterization of Waste in California)

Federal and State law, including CALGreen, require regulation and proper documentation of construction and demolition waste as part of the overall effort to ensure various types of building materials such as wood, aggregate, and carpet, are properly diverted from landfills and/or recycled in a responsible, sustainable manner.

In Riverside, the Building & Safety and Public Works-Environmental Compliance Divisions oversee the Construction and Demolition (C&D) Waste Management Program to ensure code compliance.

In accordance with program requirements and state law, the specific CALGreen code sections that impact waste management related to construction projects are noted below:


For all Low-Rise and High-Rise Residential Construction projects, this includes:

  • All new low-rise (three stories or less) and high-rise residential construction
  • Any alteration and/or addition to existing residential buildings where the addition or alteration increases the building’s conditioned area, volume or size

For Nonresidential Construction, this includes:

  • All New (Commercial and Industrial) Buildings
  • Non-Residential building additions of 1,000 square feet or greater
  • Non-Residential building alterations and improvements with a permit valuation of $200,000 or greater

For residential and non-residential projects, all prerequisite forms documenting the requirements of the C&D Waste Management Plan below will be required for all new building construction and qualifying alterations and/or additions to existing buildings and their facilities.

A C&D Waste Management Form 1 shall accompany the proposed construction plans for all applicable projects at the time of plan check submittal and will be used to document the C&D waste management plan for plan review purposes. Once a building permit is issued and the project is under construction, a C&D waste management form 2 is required to be accompanied by waste hauler receipts during the waste removal process which will be collected and submitted to the City Inspector prior to the completion of your project or the granting of final occupancy.

Please download the instructions and both forms listed below

Instructions     FORM 1     FORM 2

Step 1 – Complete and provide FORM 1 with your building plan check application.

Step 2 – Complete and provide FORM 2 with waste hauler tickets and/or receipts attached and provide to Public Works prior to building final and/or Certificate of Occupancy.


The following locations accept construction materials.

Let us know if another location in the City of Riverside recycles construction or demolition material by clicking here!

Construction Materials Recyclers
Burrtec Waste
Habitat for Humanity
  • 2180 Iowa Avenue, Riverside
  • (951) 787-6754
  • Tu-Sat. 9 am-6 pm
  • Building, roofing, fencing, materials, and furniture that is in reusable condition. Will pick up.