Riverside Police Department

Special Needs Reunification Program

Special Needs Reunification Program


In partnership with the Riverside County Sheriff's Department, we are offering access to a program intended to help us locate missing members of our community with special needs.


Designed to assist in the timely reunification of loved ones who may become displaced from their homes, the program can provide law enforcement crucial information about the registered person even before we arrive at their residence. Individuals with Autism, Dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease and Down Syndrome are examples of members of our community who might benefit from this registry.


The registry will assist law enforcement personnel by providing critical information including emergency contact information, detailed physical descriptions and photographs. An individual’s communication abilities, routines, behaviors and other helpful information also may be entered to assist law enforcement. Click the link below to be taken to the Riverside County Sheriff's Department enrollment page and join the registry:


Alternatively, you can call CSO Franco at (951) 826-5544 to arrange for registering in person at our police station.