Riverside Public Utilities

Jackson Street Recycled Water Project

Improved water supply reliability by contributing to a secure water supply for our community.

About the Project

Phase 1 of the Jackson Street Recycled Water Pipeline Project will add approximately 26,000 linear feet of 8-inch and 24-inch diameter pipeline to provide an estimated 821 AFY of recycled water to existing and future customers along its path. The new pipeline, a parallel system, will allow Riverside Public Utilities (RPU) to offset potable water use by supplying irrigation with recycled water and free up drinking water supplies that would otherwise be used for landscaping. The pipeline will provide recycled water service to customers along Jackson Street, Magnolia Avenue, Monroe Street and Lincoln Avenue. The first phase of the project will extend from the intersection of Van Buren Boulevard and Jackson Street to Don Derr Park on Monroe Avenue. View a map of the project.

For more information about this project contact callcenter@riversideca.gov.

Project Benefits

  • Improved water supply reliability by contributing to a secure water supply for our community
  • Reduces the amount of recycled water being discharged into the Santa Ana River
  • Conserves drinking water
  • Assists local businesses to reduce their water consumption and save money
  • When this and subsequent phases are completed, RPU will be able to sell recycled water to Western Municipal Water District (WMWD), which will help offset costs to construct the system.
  • Recycled water could also be used to recharge groundwater within Riverside, which will increase regional water supply reliability

Project Costs

  • Estimated Total Cost for the New Jackson Street Recycled Water Project ~ $8.6 Million
  • RPU accepted a $1 Million grant from the Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority (SAWPA) for construction of all phases of the project