The project will help improve the reliability of the water system by replacing aged and undersized water pipelines along Magnolia Avenue, with durable cement mortar lined and coated steel pipe.

View the map below to see the location of this project.

About this Project
Riverside Public Utilities will replace approximately 5,500 linear feet of 27-inch and 36-inch Techite pipeline currently in use along Magnolia Avenue between Park Sierra Drive and Hole Avenue due to the poor performance and breakage problems experienced with this product. We will also replace approximately 2,000 linear feet of old 6-inch diameter cast Iron pipe with a 12-inch ductile iron pipe that inhibits corrosion. In addition, the existing Polk and Magnolia pressure reducing stations will be replaced with a single pressure reducing station facility.
RPU will proactively replace these pipelines to prevent a catastrophic occurrence and use more durable cement mortar lined and coated steel pipe. Many water agencies in California and elsewhere have also experienced catastrophic failures of Techite pipes that have led to the interruption of water supply and wastewater conveyance.
What to Expect
Because of the work on the Magnolia Avenue Techite Pipeline Project will progress over several months, customers will be notified of the work hours as scheduled. The contractor will execute the work in short segments to minimize disruptions to traffic and provide detours where necessary.
If your property is in proximity to the new water distribution pipelines, the work will affect your water service for a short period of time when reconnection is made to the new pipe. RPU field crews will notify you 24‐hours prior to service disruption.
Residents who may be impacted will be notified by mail two weeks before construction starts and again with a door hanger on their front door 48 hours before.
September 2018 through June 2019
Who to Contact
(951) 826-5311 |