The Magnolia Avenue Techite Pipeline Replacement Project (Harrison St. to Van Buren Blvd.) will improve the operation and reliability of Riverside Public Utilities’ water system by replacing aged, vulnerable and undersized water pipelines currently in use along Magnolia Avenue, Roosevelt Street and Miller Street between Harrison Street and Van Buren Boulevard.

Project Construction
Project construction includes, but is not limited to the following:
- Replacement of approximately 3,100 feet of 36-inch Techite pipe along Miller Street, Roosevelt Street and Magnolia Avenue with 2,900 feet of 42-inch Cement Mortar Lined and Coated Steel pipe within Magnolia Avenue between Harrison Street and Van Buren Boulevard.
- Replacement of approximately 750 feet of old 4-inch diameter Cast Iron pipe with new 8-inch Ductile Iron pipe along Roosevelt Street between Magnolia Avenue and Hayes Street.
- Pavement restoration
View the map below to see the location of this project.

Anticipated Project Timeline
When: Fall 2020 through Summer 2021
Working hours for pipeline installation within Magnolia Ave. are from 8:30 pm to 5:30 am – Sunday through Thursday.
Working hours for pipeline installation within Roosevelt St. are during daytime hours – Monday through Friday.
The work will progress over several months. The work will be executed in segments to minimize disruptions to traffic, and detours will be provided where necessary. If your property is in proximity to the new water distribution pipelines along Roosevelt Street, the work will affect your water service for a short period when reconnection is made to the new pipe. RPU field crews will notify affected customers 24‐hours prior to service disruption.
Customers who may be impacted will be notified by mail before construction starts.
Project Benefits
- Improved system reliability with replacement of vulnerable techite pipe and aged pipeline
- Improved fire flow with the replacement of undersized pipeline
- Improved operational efficiencies
For more information about this project, contact (951) 826-5311 or email