About the Project
The Mission Inn Booster Station and Pressure Rezoning Project will involve construction of the Mission Inn Booster Station and related piping to consolidate two existing facilities: the Rubidoux and Mary Evans Booster Stations. Two separate pressure zones and portions of a third pressure zone will be consolidated into one zone to improve fire protection, system reliability, water pressure, and provide better operational efficiency. Construction includes a new pump station at Loring Park, abandonment of the existing Rubidoux and Mary Evans pump stations, and construction of approximately 5,250 linear feet of 8-inch and 12-inch ductile iron water main.
Ward: Ward 1
What: Mission Inn Booster Station & Pressure Rezoning
Where: Redwood Drive between Mission Inn Avenue and Eleventh Street
- Working hours for pipeline installation are from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm – Monday through Friday
- Working hours for building construction are from 8:00am to 5:00 pm – Monday through Friday.
Start: 10/20/2019
End: December 2020
For more information about this project contact (951) 826-5311 or email Cheyne Wells at CWells@RiversideCA.gov

Project Benefits
- Improved fire flow protection for all customers within the new consolidated pressure zone
- Improved system reliability with replacement of aged and undersized water pipelines
- Improved operational efficiencies
- Improved access to station for water utility field crews for safe operation and maintenance
- Improved overall water pressure to customers, landscaping along Mission Inn Ave., and Loring and Carlson Parks
Project Costs
- Estimated Total Cost for the New Mission Inn Booster Station ~ $1.5 Million
- Estimated Total Cost of New Water Pipelines ~ $2.7 Million
- Estimated Total Project Cost ~ $4.2 Million