Riverside Public Utilities

Lincoln Avenue Techite Pipe Replacement Project (Fenwick Place to Saint Lawrence Street)

About the Project

The Lincoln Avenue Techite Pipe Replacement Project (Fenwick Place to Saint Lawrence Street) will improve the operation and reliability of Riverside Public Utilities’ water system by replacing aged and undersized water pipelines currently in use along Lincoln Avenue.

Scope of Work

Project work includes, but is not limited to the following:

  • Installation of approximately 4,400 feet of new 54-inch water pipeline along Lincoln Avenue between Fenwick Place and Saint Lawrence Street.
  • Pavement restoration.

Project Map

Anticipated Project Timeline

When: Summer 2021 through Fall 2022

The work will generally occur on weekdays between the hours of 7:00 AM and 5:00 PM.  Small portions of the work will occur at nighttime and over select weekends to minimize inconveniences to the public.

The work will not affect customer’s water service.  However, customers in the vicinity of project will be notified by mail before construction starts and as the work progresses.  Work will be executed in segments to minimize disruptions to traffic, and detours will be provided where necessary.  Access to properties along Lincoln Avenue will remain open.

Project Benefits

  • Improved water system reliability with the replacement of aged Techite pipeline.
  • Improved operational efficiencies.

For more information about this project, contact (951) 826-5311 or email callcenter@riversideca.gov.