Riverside Fire Department

Public Education Request

Requests must be submitted at least 45 days in advance to accommodate station operations and mandatory firefighter training schedules.

ALL REQUESTS MUST BE SUBMITTED BY THE 15TH of the month PRIOR to the Month of the event.

No Public Education Requests will be scheduled on holidays

No Tours will be scheduled in the month of December.

EXAMPLE: If the request is for date in October, the request must be submitted by September 15th.

Please Note beginning November 1, 2024: All activities scheduled must be between 10:00am – 12:00pm and 1:30pm – 8:00pm and cannot exceed 1½ hours.

Public Education Requests will not be scheduled on the 1st of each month due to mandatory Fire Station duties.

Schools/Day care centers must be non-residential and within the City of Riverside.

Fire Station Tours - maximum number of people 30 (No tours after 5:00pm)

All Requests are subject to emergency calls for service.

Submitting a Request does not guarantee participation.

We will do our best to accommodate requests based on staff availability and date of request. Requests may be subject to change if necessary and are subject to emergency calls for service

For further information, please contact:
Gina Perez, Public Education Coordinator
(951) 826-5334

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