Act Now to Prevent Wildfires

Administrative Manual

01. General

Name Title
01.001.00.pdf   Introduction
01.002.00.pdf City Offices Operation, Appearance and Security
01.002.01.pdf City Hall Security, Lobby Visitor Registration Procedure
01.003.00.pdf Confidential Information
01.004.00.pdf Customer Complaint, Compliment & Suggestion System
01.006.00.pdf Grant Administration
01.007.00.pdf Employee Parking - City Hall and Downtown
01.008.00.pdf Smoking Policy
01.009.00.pdf Acceptance of Gifts
01.009.01.pdf Code of Ethics and Conduct
01.010.00.pdf City Equipment Provided to Elected Officials and Expense Reimbursement
01.011.00.pdf Fraud Prevention Policy
01.012.00.pdf Guidelines for use of the Grier Pavilion
01.013.00.pdf Sub Recipient Grant Monitoring
01.014.00.pdf Use of Mass Internal E-Mails
01.015.00.pdf Non-Employee Use of Clothing with City Seal or Insignia
01.016.00.pdf Guidelines for Use of the Fox Performing Arts Center
01.017.00.pdf Distribution of Tickets and Passes
01.018.00.pdf RiversideTV Sponsorship Policy
01.019.00.pdf RiversideTV Programming Policy and Guidelines
01.020.00.pdf Guidelines for Use of the City Council Chambers
01.021.00.pdf Naming of City-Owned Land, Buildings and Facilities
01.022.00.pdf Timely Response to Constituent Communications and Out-of-Office Coverage
01.023.00.pdf Guidelines for Handling Requests to Modify Exterior Architectural Light Colors at City Hall and Other City Facilities
01.024.00.pdf Translation Guidelines
01.026.00.pdf Digital Signature Policy
01.027.00.pdf Table Sponsorship Policy
01.028.00.pdf Flag Display on City-Owned Property
01.029.00.pdf Captioning Policy


02. Legislative and Legal

Name Title
02.001.00.pdf   City Council, Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency, Authorities, and City Council Committee Agenda Reports
02.002.00.pdf Board, Commission, and Committee Meetings & Distribution of Minutes
02.003.00.pdf Street, Alley and Walkway Vacation Procedures
02.004.00.pdf Contracting for Architectural, Engineering, or Other Professional Consultant Services When Fees are in Excess of $50,000
02.005.00.pdf Contracting for Professional Services When Fees Are $50,000 or Less
02.006.00.pdf Coordination and Administration of Minor Building Improvement Projects
02.007.00.pdf Animal Complaints
02.008.00.pdf Completion of Off-site Improvements
02.009.00.pdf City Assisted Right-of-Way Acquisition for Subdivision Projects
02.010.00.pdf ADA Grievance Procedure
02.012.00.pdf Film Permit
02.014.00.pdf Property Management & Leasing (Airport Properties, General Fund and Public Utilities Properties)
02.015.00.pdf Subdivision Directional Signs in Public Right-of-Way


03. Interdepartmental Services

Name Title
03.001.00.pdf   I. Mail and Copy Services. II. Central Mail and Messenger Service
03.002.00.pdf Technology Use and Security Policy (TUSP)
03.003.00.pdf I. Changes to Telephone System II. Repairs to Telephone System
03.004.00.pdf Building Services Requests For Maintenance and Repair
03.005.00.pdf I. Central Stores Supplies and Materials Acquisitions II. Central Stores Stock Removal
03.006.00.pdf Floor Plan Modifications, Furniture Relocations, or Installation of New Furniture
03.007.00.pdf Mobile Communication Device Policy
03.008.00.pdf Lease of Outside Office Space and Relocation of City
03.009.00.pdf Video Security Policy
03.010.00.pdf Web Site Linking Policy
03.012.00.pdf Guidelines for Social Media Usage
03.014.00.pdf Guidelines for Video Posting
03.016.00.pdf Open Data Policy
03.017.00.pdf Technology Procurement Policy
03.018.00.pdf Data Governance Policy


04. Transportation and Travel

Name Title
04.001.00.pdf   Travel and Meeting Expense
04.001.10.pdf International Travel
04.002.00.pdf Assignment, Utilization and Taxation of City-Owned or Leased Vehicles
04.002.01.pdf Motor Pool Dispatch Vehicles
04.003.00.pdf Vehicle Maintenance
04.004.00.pdf Fuel Container Control
04.005.00.pdf Toll Lane Usage on Southland Freeways
04.006.00.pdf Automobile Allowance
04.007.00.pdf Vehicle/Equipment Idling


05. Records Management

Name Title
05.001.00.pdf   Records Retention and Disposition
05.002.00.pdf Forms Design and Control
05.003.00.pdf Public Inspection of Records
05.004.00.pdf Citizen Request for Copies of Certified Payrolls Pursuant to Labor Code Section 1776


06. Finance

Name Title
06.001.00.pdf   I. Annual Budget and Capital Improvement Program Calendar. II. Budget Preparation. III. Annual Preparation of the Capital Improvement Program.
06.002.00.pdf Credit Card Acceptance Policy
06.003.00.pdf Budget Execution and Expenditure Control
06.004.00.pdf Payroll Preparation and Issue of Pay Checks
06.005.00.pdf Equipment and Asset Inventory
06.006.00.pdf Petty Cash Purchases
06.007.00.pdf Cash Handling and Receipt Policy
06.008.00.pdf Responsibilities of City Departments During the Investigation of Claims for Damages
06.009.00.pdf Accounts Receivable and Billing
06.010.00.pdf Vendor Record Database Management
06.011.00.pdf Minor Donation Acceptance Policy
06.012.00.pdf GASBY 87 Lease Policy


07. Purchasing and Contracting

Name Title
07.001.00.pdf   Purchase Requisition
07.002.00.pdf Routine Purchase Orders
07.003.00.pdf Change Orders
07.004.00.pdf Cancellation of Purchase Orders
07.005.00.pdf Petty Cash Purchases
07.006.00.pdf Request for Disbursement
07.007.00.pdf Emergency Purchases
07.008.00.pdf Annual Purchase Orders
07.009.00.pdf Vehicle Purchases
07.010.00.pdf Equipment Replacement
07.011.00.pdf Receiving and Payment for Supplies
07.012.00.pdf Surplus or Obsolete Materials and Equipment
07.013.00.pdf Donation of Surplus or Obsolete Personal Computers
07.014.00.pdf Processing Negotiated Contracts and Agreements
07.015.00.pdf Competitive Bids
07.016.00.pdf Waiver of Formal Competitive Bids
07.017.00.pdf Purchasing Card (P-Card)
07.018.00.pdf FEMA Emergency Purchasing Procedures
07.019.00.pdf Procurement Protest Procedures
07.021.00.pdf Vendor Performance Plan
07.022.00.pdf Contractor and Consultant Panel Establishment
07.023.00.pdf Contractor and Consultant Panels Utilization
07.024.00.pdf Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP)


08. Real Property

Name Title
08.001.00.pdf Real Property Acquisitions
08.002.00.pdf Eminent Domain Action
08.003.00.pdf Disposition and Sale of City Owned Real Property
08.004.00.pdf   Real Property Valuations and Estimates
08.005.00.pdf  Deeds