Riverside Public Library
Act Now to Prevent Wildfires


Friends of the Library

Board Meetings at the Main Library

10 a.m. on the 2nd Monday
Every other month.

We provide the library with $65,000 annually through money raised from membership dues and ongoing used book sales.


The Friends of the Riverside Library was established in 1984 as a non-profit, public benefit corporation organized under the provisions of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to the organization are tax-deductible.


We exist to support the Riverside Public Library through volunteer assistance and to provide funds for special library projects. Each month, library staff presents to the Board specific requests for expenditures of funds from our budget.

Sources of Income

Book sales: Most of the income is derived from the collection and sale of used books donated to the organization. Other income credited to Book Sales is net revenue obtained from the rental of books on CD and DVDs purchased by the Friends.

Dues: Most of the operating expenses are funded from the collection of dues from members. There are currently more than 400 persons/families who pay annual dues to the organization. The current membership fees are:

Students and Seniors $15
Individual $20
Family $30
Patrons, Organizations & Businesses $75
Super-Friend $150
Life Membership $500

Standing Committees

Current committees: Book Sales, Tours, Author's Events, Membership, Public Relations, Newsletter, Hospitality and Annual Meeting.

The by-laws provide for additional committees if needed and also describe the duties of each committee. Members are invited to jion the committees.

Board of Directors

Members are the officers, members at-large and chairs of standing committees. The board meets once a month at the Main Library. All members are welcome.