Holiday Toy & Food Drives
Published: 12/08/2023

Embrace the spirit of giving!
The City of Riverside is proud to spotlight local charity drives making an impact for the holidays. Join us in supporting their heartwarming cause, as we come together to create a stronger-- more compassionate community for all!

Spark of Love Toy Drive
City of Riverside Fire Department
(951) 826-5334
Donate: Toys can be dropped off at any of our 14 Fire Stations from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. Firefighters may be away when responding to calls, please do not leave donations outside of the fire station. You can drop off donations at the main collection point, Cesar Chavez Community Center, or any of the city’s community centers. For locations visit:
Learn more on how to register for the Spark of Love toy distribution.

The Grove Christmas Store
The Grove Community Church
(951) 571-9090
Friday, December 8th 2023
The Christmas Store offers a dignified way for parents who are struggling financially to give their family new, quality gifts. Now is the opportunity for those of us who are able to come alongside these families and show them the love of Christ. Would you be willing to make a difference for their family?

Toys for Tots
U.S. Marine Corps
Locations in Local Businesses and collected by Marine Corps reserve and distribute them on Christmas.
Toy collection campaigns in October through late December.

Kids Pack
Inland Socal United Way
(909) 751-1180
Donations pay for federal free and reduced meal programs in schools.

December Holiday Drive-Thru Food Distribution
Feeding America Riverside and San Bernadino

Annual Toy Donation and Giveaway
Parkview Community Hospital's Founder Center
(909) 893-0345

Contact [email protected] or [email protected] should your local charity wish to be considered to be added to the list.
View additional upcoming Holiday Drives by visiting