Please Note City of Riverside Holiday Hours
Published: 02/13/2020

President's Day 2020
City Hall
02/17: Closed
One Stop Shop at City Hall
02/17: Closed
Riverside Public Utilities Customer Service Center
02/17: Closed
Online services open 24/7
Riverside Public Utilities Customer Resource Center
02/17: Closed
Online services open 24/7
02/17: All Locations Closed
Community Centers
02/17: Closed
Trash Schedule
Collection will be affected after holidays as follows:
Monday, Thursday and Friday Holidays:
Will result in a one day delay of service for each day after the holiday.
Burrtec Pick-Up :
Holidays taking place Monday through Friday will result in a one day delay
of service for each day after the holiday
Parking Enforcement
02/17: Downtown parking meters not enforced
Applicable to City of Riverside only. Parking rules in different cities may vary so please read signage provided.
School Districts
Riverside Unified School District
02/14: Closed
02/17: Closed
Alvord Unified School District
02/14: Closed
02/17: Closed