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Environmental Compliance

The Environmental Compliance Section implements a Pretreatment Program to protect water quality. We work with local businesses to ensure that wastewater discharges do not negatively impact the collection system or treatment plant. Whether you are a new industry looking to start business in the City, or an existing facility, we are here to help you protect the environment. by providing the following services:

  • Inspections of industrial facilities for industrial waste compliance.
  • Stormwater inspections for commercial and industrial facilities.
  • Sewer rate evaluation and special billing.
  • Industrial waste discharge permits.
  • Plan check review.
  • Septic hauler discharge permits.

All businesses with a sewer connection are included in the City's Pretreatment Program. These businesses are inspected annually to ensure compliance with Pretreatment regulations. During field inspections, industries are evaluated for compliance and educated about pollution prevention. The Environmental Compliance Section strives to help businesses maintain compliance.

Certain industries are required to have a wastewater discharge permit based on the strength and quantity of their wastewater discharge. The Environmental Compliance section helps businesses through every step of the permit process. Permit applications are reviewed by staff to determine if the proposed pretreatment equipment will adequately remove pollutants from the waste stream. Once a permit is issued, inspectors will regularly monitor the wastewater discharge to ensure compliance with local limits.

Environmental Compliance staff also perform surveillance monitoring to prevent illegal discharges of prohibited materials into the sewer or storm drain systems.

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