Business Sewer Public Benefit Program

The Sewer Public Benefit Program is an incentive program for qualifying City of Riverside businesses. The program encourages reductions in the intensity and quantity of discharge to the sewer system. Such reductions create benefits in the form of reduced wear and tear on the collection system, chemicals used for treatment, and operations and maintenance costs. These benefits are shared by all customers. Funds for this program are capped at $400,000 per year.

Click Here to view the entire Sewer Public Benefit Program Booklet.


Program Objective

The Sewer Public Benefit program was developed to educate the City of Riverside commercial, institutional and industrial sewer use customers on enhanced pretreatment technologies and the corresponding water conservation and sewer system benefits, and to offer incentives toward the installation of such technologies.


Program Highlights

The Sewer Public Benefit Program incentivizes reductions in pollutants which result in excess sewer collection and treatment costs and is based upon the facilities ability to reduce the strength and/or volume of its discharge beyond levels required by local limits. Incentives of up to 50% of the cost to install pretreatment equipment may be offered upon approval.

Pollutants for which a reduction can be incentivized are flow, Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG). To qualify for an incentive, a business must agree to a reduction goal, provide annual progress reports toward meeting the goal and meet all other program requirements.

Pollutants other than Flow, COD, TSS, and FOG that potentially increase sewer collection and maintenance costs may be incentivized as well. Such pollutants, along with corresponding incentive amounts, will be considered on a case-by-case basis. All are encouraged to apply while funds are available.


Program Business Incentives

Incentives are available for existing and new sewer use customers. Existing Customers are commercial, industrial or institutional businesses which have operated in the City of Riverside with a valid business license prior to September 23, 2008. New Customers are those which have operated with a valid business license after September 23, 2008.

Existing customers are eligible for incentives/reimbursement for up to 50% of the cost to install pretreatment technology, not to exceed $150,000/ $300,000 per year, per customer. The total incentive awarded shall not exceed 50% of the accounts total preceding 12-month sewer service charges.

New Sewer Customers

New customers who will discharge at pollutant levels greater than existing local limits are subject to supplemental capacity charges during permitting. New customers are eligible for incentives/reimbursements of up to 50% of the cost to install pretreatment technology, not to exceed $150,000 per year, per customer. The total incentive awarded shall not exceed 50% of the Supplemental Capacity Charge.


The City of Riverside, on a case-by-case basis, may consider incentives over $150,000/year/customer for new facilities installing pretreatment equipment that is above and beyond what is required to meet City Local Limits. These projects would follow the SBP process for consideration and, if approved by the program administrator would require concurrence with the Public Works Director and then would require City Council approval.


Program Guidelines

Eligibility Requirements

  • Participants must be either a business operating in the City of Riverside or prospective new business planning to operate within City limits.
  • Participants must enter into a formal agreement with the City.
  • Participants must commit to at least one quantitative environmental goal that they aim to meet within the terms of their agreement with the City.
  • Participants initially will be required to report quarterly, in actual terms, on their progress towards commitments specified in the agreement.
  • Participants must fulfill all program guidelines to be eligible for incentives.
  • See Program Limitations for additional information.

    Selection Considerations

    When developing a set of environmental performance goals, please follow these criteria for selection, measurement and reporting:

    • Select goals from one of the three different categories.
    • Use the indicators and the measurement units provided in the table below.
    • All goals should reflect facility-wide measurements.



    Environmental Performance Indicators

    Category Indicator Units
    Discharge Flow Total Wastewater Discharge Gallons
    Discharge to Sewer COD Reduction Pounds, Tons
    Discharge to Sewer TSS Reduction Pounds, Tons



    Sewer Public Benefit Program Application

    Registration Procedure

    • Registration shall be in person or by mail.
    • Participants shall provide a current valid Business Tax License; the address will be reviewed to confirm it is within City limits.
    • Participants shall provide a completed program application signed by an authorized business representative.
    • Participants shall complete the application checklist to ensure all supporting documentation is provided at the time of application.
    • Participants already required to monitor by the City shall provide the preceding six months of data for the selected performance goal.
    • Existing industries not otherwise required to monitor will receive a baseline monitoring requirement letter to monitor the selected performance goal monthly for 3 months, prior to program enrollment.
    • Participants shall provide a process flow diagram of the pretreatment process that accurately describes the process, as it will exist.
    • The City reserves the right to deny registration if the required documentation is not presented at the time of registration.


    Rewarding of Incentive

    • Industries are required to demonstrate a beneficial reduction in the indicator(s) chosen for 5 years.
    • Project reductions will be monitored in three month blocks. Deficiencies will be communicated once noted.
    • After the first six months, 50% of the incentive will be credited if target reductions are met.
    • If not, then the participant will be placed on notice and allowed an additional 3 month block to meet the target before being terminated from the program.
    • In order to receive the full incentive, the participant must meet the target during 4 out of the 5 three month blocks.
    • Participants may be required to pay back the prorated amount to the City based on differences between reduction goals and what reduction actually achieved.
    • Incentives will be prorated if measurable reductions are achieved but unable to meet agreement target.
    • After full payment of incentive, participant must meet 80% of the target reductions on a yearly basis for 5 consecutive years, including the first demonstration year, in order to remain active in the program. Failure to meet the target reductions will resulted in prorated return of the incentive.
    • For all participants, incentives will be delivered as a credit on their sewer bill delivered within 60 days of approval.
    • The incentive is non-transferable and must be returned in full if the 5 year reduction commitment is not met at the time of transfer.
    • If a reduction does not occur for three consecutive months, the participant may be dropped from the program after review by the program administrator.


    Contact Information

    Can't find what you are looking for? Let us help you. Please call 951-351-6140.

    SPB Program Administrator

    Edward Filadelfia
    Regulatory Affairs and Compliance Manager
    City of Riverside Public Works Department
    Department Phone: (951) 351- 6140
    Direct Line: (951) 351-6080
    [email protected]

    Mail or hand deliver applications to:

    City of Riverside Regional Water Quality Control Plant
    Attention: Edward Filadelfia
    City of Riverside Public Works Department
    5950 Acorn Street
    Riverside, CA 92504