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Plan Check

Environmental Compliance Plan Check

Plan check is an important part of building construction and alteration. Having your plans checked by Environmental Compliance ensures that all pretreatment equipment is in compliance with Chapter 14.12 of the City of Riverside Municipal Code.

Check out our Forms and Resources page for additional information.

Special Plumbing Plan Requirements:

Connect to sanitary line:

  1. Soda machines.
  2. Condensate lines from coolers and freezers.
  3. Ice machines.
  4. Plumbing associated with the bar area for serving drinks.
  5. All bathroom fixtures and drains.

Connect to grease waste line and/or interceptor:

  1. Dishwasher.
  2. Garbage grinder.
  3. All sinks including hand sinks, floor sinks, floor drains, trench drains located in the kitchen area.
  4. Trench drains in trash enclosures and drive-thru areas.

There are exceptions to the above on a case by case basis.

The grease waste line should connect to a grease interceptor if required, then to the sanitary line. No domestic wastewater, restrooms, or personal care facility wastes shall pass through the grease waste line or interceptor/sample box.

If you are required to submit revised plans to Environmental Compliance you must submit three sets of plumbing plans showing the corrections to the Permit Techs, Building and Safety and tell them that one set is for Industrial Waste. The plans must be reviewed and approved by the Environmental Compliance Section (Industrial Waste) prior to any construction, construction modifications, or tenant improvements which would have an effect on any plumbing or which would affect the wastewater discharged from the facility.

After installation and prior to any backfilling, the Environmental Compliance Section (Industrial Waste) must inspect the plumbing and all devices connected to the interceptor if required. If the interceptor and sampling station are installed without inspection, the work may be required to be exposed. Please note the Environmental Compliance Section (Industrial Waste) inspection is separate from any plumbing inspection done by the Building and Safety Inspector. Inspections can be scheduled by calling (951) 351-6145.

Grease Interceptors:

An interceptor must be two or more chambers, excluding the sample box, with a ring and cover over each chamber, brought to grade, and a discharge tee extending to within twelve (12) inches from the bottom of the final chamber. The influent tee is to extend no more than six (6) inches below the operational fluid level of the interceptor. A sample box must be provided on the discharge end of the interceptor. Sanitary waste must connect downstream of the grease interceptor. The minimum size for a grease interceptor is 750 gallons. (See diagrams of interceptor and sample box on Forms page Other Documents.)


To schedule a plan check, or for plan check related questions, please call Environmental Compliance at (951) 351-6140.