Riverside Regional Water Quality Control Plant
Riverside operates and maintains a wastewater collection system serving a population of more than 300,000 within the City and surrounding areas. More than 800 miles of public sewers convey wastewater from residences and businesses to the Riverside Regional Water Quality Control Plant (RWQCP). At the plant, wastewater is made clean and safe through tertiary treatment before it is reused for irrigation or discharged to the Santa Ana River.
Collecting and treating the region’s wastewater requires coordination and teamwork. The Sewerage Systems Division is made up of highly trained, State-certified personnel working 24 hours a day to oversee all aspects of the collection and treatment processes. Through their efforts, Riverside improves water quality in a manner consistent with Federal and State regulations.
City of Riverside's Water Quality Control Plant Receives Peak Performance Award
RIVERSIDE, Calif. – The City of Riverside Public Works Department’s Water Quality Control Plant has been selected to receive a Gold Peak Performance Award. The Peak Performance Awards program presented by the National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) recognizes public wastewater treatment facilities for their outstanding compliance records in the 2012 calendar year. The Gold Peak Performance Award honors those that have achieved 100 percent discharge compliance for an entire calendar year, ensuring safe water for the enjoyment of all.

Down the Drain

RV Dump Station
Attention recreational vehicle users: The RV Dump Station is now open! View more information.