Act Now to Prevent Wildfires

City Sponsorship Program

City Sponsorship Program

The City recognizes that sponsorships play an important role in supporting our community. The City Sponsorship Program provides local non-profit organizations with the opportunity to apply for City funds and/or in-kind services twice each fiscal year. The winter application process provides support for charitable, community events produced between July 1st and December 31st. The summer application process provides support for charitable, community events produced between January 1st and June 30th.

The granting of City funds or in-kind support is evaluated according to the effectiveness and impact the particular special event, community project or program has on the community. The special event, program, or project that is considered for sponsorship must meet the goals and objectives of the program.


The City of Riverside Sponsorship Program application for events scheduled from July 1 to December 31 are due on the last business day of January before 4:00 pm; applications for events scheduled from January 1 to June 30 of the following year are due on the last business day of July before 4:00 pm. Sorry, late or incomplete applications will not be considered.

City Sponsorship 101 Workshops are held approximately a month before the application deadline for each cycle. Please check the City’s Community Calendar for information on upcoming workshops.


City Sponsorship Program Agreement

Sponsorship Application