City Clerk
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Boards & Commissions

City Boards and Commissions are the underpinnings of our community - they are how the community navigates the daily and weekly decisions that make Riverside run smoothly to become the kind of community we all want. Your Mayor and City Council members encourage your participation.

These are voluntary positions and to be eligible a citizen must reside in Riverside and be a registered voter.

The terms of office are four years and members may serve as many as two consecutive terms.


Scroll to the bottom of the page to check which City of Riverside Ward you reside in by entering your address in the Ward Look-up search box.


The City Charter now requires each board or commission to have at least one member from each Council Ward. For current vacancies click here.

To see our training video, please click here.

What Happens When You Apply?

Applications are taken on an annual basis and vacancies are filled as they become available. The City Clerk's Office will let you know if you qualify and when vacancies will occur on the Board or Commission you are interested in.


How Do I Apply?

Complete an application online today. Follow the link below:

Applications are available by contacting the City Clerk's Office, 7th floor of City Hall, 3900 Main Street, Riverside, California 92522 or by calling (951) 826-5557.


Is There A Deadline?

Applications are accepted year-round, except for the Riverside Youth Council which only accepts applications from February 1 through May 1 for membership to commence August of the following school year. Riverside Youth Council has a separate application.

There are current mid-year vacancies for several boards and commissions. If there are no vacancies this year for the board or commission of your interest, your application will be kept on file for one year for consideration should a mid-year vacancy occur. The various boards and commissions meet at different times, generally once or twice a month.


Do I Have A Conflict Of Interest?

Under existing California law, a member of a board or commission may not make, participate in making, or attempt to influence a governmental decision if it is reasonably foreseeable that the decision could have a material financial effect on that member, the member's immediate family, or any of his or her financial interests. There is also a special category of conflicts of interest which strictly forbids members and/or their employers from having financial interests in city contracts. Careful consideration should be given to this issue and applicants are encouraged to contact the City Clerk's Office if they have any questions.

Members of boards and commissions are covered by Workers' Compensation insurance while serving. If appointed, completion of a LiveScan background screening is required prior to commencement of service.