The Commission on Aging meets at 4 p.m. the Third Monday of each month in the Art Pick Council Chamber at City Hall located at 3900 Main Street, Riverside, 92522. Time commitment may include 6-10 hours per month.
- By-Laws
- Meeting Agendas
- Archived Agendas and Minutes
- California Master Plan for Aging
- Riverside County Office on Aging
- AARP Livable Communities Network
Mission Statement
The mission of the Riverside Commission on Aging is to enhance the quality of life for seniors in our community. We study local senior issues to learn about current programs, define future needs, and reference Best Practices. We then make recommendations to the Mayor and City Council on ways we think the City of Riverside can maintain and improve its status as a Senior-Friendly Community.
Meeting Information
The Commission on Aging meets at 4 p.m. the third Monday of each month in the Art Pick Council Chamber.
Marnie Smith
(951) 826-8976