An Officer-Involved Death (OID) is the death of any individual arising out of or in connection with the actions of a sworn police officer. One of the Commission's duties and functions is to review and investigate such cases whether or not a complaint has been filed.
Officer-Involved Death (OID) cases are posted in one of three locations:
- Pending: The case is considered "Pending" prior to the Commission's receipt of the criminal casebook that is used for the Commission's public evaluation of the case.
- In Process: Once the criminal casebook has been received, it is posted online, and the case information is moved to the "OID Case Evaluations: In Process" webpage.
- Completed: After the Commission completes the evaluation of the case, the information is moved to the "OID Case Evaluations: Completed" webpage.
The Public Reports that result from the Commission's public review of OIDs are included on the page for each case.
The Officer-Involved Death Case Evaluation Process:
The RPD Policies listed below are applicable to the majority of officer-involved death cases. Should there be a policy that is not listed below, but is of importance to a case, it will be included in the information listed for that specific case.
- RPD Policy 300 Use of Force
- RPD Policy 307 Investigations of Officer Involved Shootings and Incidents where Death or Serious Likelihood of Death Results
- Investigations of Officer Involved Shootings and Incidents where Death or Serious Likelihood of Death Results
- RPD Policy 4.30 (Rev. 9, 4/5/11) Use of Force