Tower Incident
Incident Name: Tower Incident
Date Reported: 01-21-2025
Time Reported: 1201 HRS
Incident Location: 5500 Block of Tower Rd.
Ward #: 3 Robillard
Type of Incident: Structure Fire
Incident Number: RFD Incident 25-002866
Control Time: 1245 HRS
Fatalities: 0
Critical: 0
Moderate: 0
Minor: 0
Non Injury: YES
Displaced Persons:
Loss: 50,000
/* 550,000.00 */
Evacuations: 0
Evacuation Comments:
Resources Assigned
Chief Officer(s): 1
Engine Companies: 3
Truck Companies: 1
Ambulance(s): 1
Firefighter(s): 15
Safety Officer(s):
Public Information Officer(s):
Fire Investigator(s):
Overhead Personnel:
Mutual Aid:
Specialized Equipment:
Red Cross:
Percent (%) Contained or Completed:
Total (%) of Perimeter that will be Contained:
Incident Size Acreage:
Current Situation
The City of Riverside Fire Department responded to a reported possible Structure Fire on the 5500 Block of Tower Rd. First arriving units reported light smoke issuing from the attic vents on the home. An aggressive fire attack in the attic space kept the fire at bay while crews salvaged the contents of the home’s affected areas. The fire was confined to the attic space.
Assisting Aid Agencies
Incident Commander: Scott Wilson
Prepared By: Scott Wilson
Date / Time Posted: 01/22/2025 @0045HRS
Information Center: 951.826.5321