The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) has been around for 46 years! CDBG is funding that Congress budgets every year. The City of Riverside receives its share of CDBG from the federal Housing and Urban Development Department (HUD) to address a wide range of community development needs from neighborhood improvements to public services to economic development to affordable housing to name just a few.
At the City of Riverside CDBG funds are managed by the Community & Economic Development Department (CEDD) CDBG/Grants Division and distributed according to community needs through an Annual Action Plan process. The community, City Council, and City staff have an opportunity to provide input. Funds are then allocated to various nonprofit organizations and City departments to implement needed activities.

The benefits of the CDBG program can be seen throughout the community.
The benefits of the CDBG program can be seen throughout the community through services provided by: Fair Housing Council of Riverside County, Operation SafeHouse, Riverside Area Rape Crisis Center, local senior centers, and through improvements/renovations to parks and community centers; or through business and loan programs that support small businesses.
Mission Statement
The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)-Grants Division is key to the City’s demonstrated success in sustainable neighborhood revitalization through a community-based strategy addressing the physical, economic and social needs of the community; to develop a viable urban community by providing decent housing, a suitable living environment, and expanded economic opportunities, for low- to moderate-income persons.
Can I get CDBG funds?
CDBG funds are actually not available to individuals or awarded directly to people. The City distributes CDBG funds to non-profit organizations, educational establishments, faith based organizations, and city departments. Non-profits or other interested parties can stay informed about the CDBG on this page or by contacting [email protected].
Help Shape Future Housing and Community Development Projects.
Provide your input through the following surveys.
HUD Annual Action Plan Survey
Fair Housing Experience Survey